Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday with the Swindells

We had an enjoyable Sunday. We didn't do anything out of this world, but we did have fun. It all started with blueberry muffins. Lise' had been asking for them, so I finally gave in. The girls love eating the leftover frozen berries, but it creates a new mess for me. Thankfully, a bath wipes all the stains away.

After the girls were cleaned up, we decided to go to a puppet show at the German School of Monmouth County. They were hosting Uwe Spillmann, a world renowned puppeteer. He doesn't use a stage, but rather a basket to present his puppet show.
The show was mostly in German, but it was still fun to see. I especially enjoyed his shoes.

After leaving, the girls both fell asleep in the car, so we drove around Atlantic Highlands a little. It was a beautiful day, and you could see NYC clearly.

We eventually headed home, and B did the most amazing thing. He made our home 100% vertical blind free!!!! Yeah. The last of them are gone. What a relief. I know for many, they are practical, but the practical just doesn't outweigh the ugliness of them for me. I slept well that night knowing they are forever gone.

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