Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blizzard 2010 Continued

It's the morning after, and I've come to the conclusion that we can just blame B for the blizzard. When the transfer to Jacksonville came through and he left in the beginning of January to start his new job, I just knew we were in for a big storm.

Well, here it is. I have no idea how much snow we got, but I can tell you it is a lot. On the side of the house where no prior plowing was done, it's to the top of my knees. Thankfully the snow we had over the weekend had melted, otherwise it could have been much worse.

My neighbors have saved me. They came over with their snow plow, so for now, I can walk to the street and back. I've also uncovered my car. That alone took an hour, and I'm sure my arms will be screaming for a masssage pretty soon.

For now, we'll be hanging out at home. The roads are pretty icy, so I don't think we'll be venturing out. Call if you want, I'll be around.

For all our blizzard pictures, click HERE

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