Friday, October 3, 2008

Won't let you go into the weekend with a rant

Ok, so after the post I just wrote, I feel I need to give you a little laughter for the weekend.

We're convinced Abri is part monkey. She climbs everything, and she has been for a while. For the most part, it's been the normal climbing objects- chairs, boxes, sofas,etc. In the last week though, it's gotten worse. She started climbing the ladder to the bunk bed, she's standing on the handles of the drawers in the kitchen to get to the counter top, and she hauls her stool everywhere. She's a monkey. At the park, she hangs from the monkey bars alone for several minutes. She hangs from the wood slats on the bottom of the top bunk. At the park, there is a bar over the slide, and she gets a giant leap onto it before swinging out over the slide. I've seen her leg over the side of the crib, so I know it's a matter of time before she masters her escape route. Last night, we had to take the rungs out of the ladder of the bunk bed.

Abrianna, I believe we named her correctly. Ms. Becky says B had all of that in him, at least I'll put the blame on his genes.

So, that's a little peek into the challenges of the Swindell household.

I promise I'm going to do my best to post our pics from North Carolina soon. Tomorrow is our town's chili fest, so we're trying out recipes for that.

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