Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Warning to all flip flop wearers


Ok, that may be a little extreme, but I have my reasons.

I am an avid flip flop wearer. I simply love the comfort and ventilation. That being said, I may have to alter my ways.

The preface to this story is that we chose not to park in our driveway at the moment b/c our neighbors mulberry tree covers the car, along with a heck of a lot of bird poop. (That is an entirely different story). So, we're parking on the street. Today, I went to get Abri out of the car, and I was on the curb side, so I first shuffled through the grass (read weeds/clover that when mowed resembles grass). At that very moment, an unsuspecting honey bee must have gathered his last speck of pollen before he found himself under my foot. By no fault of his own, he did what any self respecting bee would do, and he jammed his little rear into my foot-right there on the bottom where the toes meet the larger part of the foot. Yes, in the TENDER skin. Of course, all I felt was instant pain, but I had a sleeping child in one arm and another that needed to get to the potty, so it was a good 5 min until I was able to pull not just the stinger, but the bee booty that was attached out of the bottom of my foot. I can't tell you the last time I was stung. That was sometime around noon today, and I can honestly say the dang thing still hurts! My foot is swollen too, and I can't bend my toes for the pain. I'd take a picture for you, but I don't think it will really come across because I dont' have fat feet to begin with, so what is swollen to my foot is normal to others. All this on a day when B is out of town. I'll accept any and all sympathy from you readers out there.

Heed my warning, and DO NOT SHUFFLE IN FLIP FLOPS thru the clover.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is something you put on a sting but can't think of it at the moment. Try googling it. Google is my current answer to everything.