Thursday, February 28, 2008

Before I hit the road

Tomorrow is a big day. The girls and I are flying south for the remainder of the winter (we hope). B's going to drive with me as far as Tuscaloosa, then I'm on my own. I don't have a definite plan other than I'll be in Tuscaloosa for a week and then I'll head to Louisiana. We've never been without B for 3 weeks, so I"m not sure how any of us are going to hold up. We may be wanting to return sooner than later.

That being said, I'm not sure I'll have the ability to download pics along the way. I'll do my best to give you verbal updates, but you may just have to wait for the visuals until I return.

Don't worry though, I've prepared a slideshow to tide you over. While I'm gone, B has big plans to make progress in the kitchen. We bought our cabinets off Craig's list, so he'll first have to spend some time removing them from the other house. If all goes well, maybe a wall will be knocked out when I return. Who knows. In the meantime, here's the before pictures. It includes the new addition of the handrail on the stairs. I cannot tell you what a difference it made to the room. I was afraid it would close in the room, but it's done just the opposite, and I have Mr. Ed to thank! Enjoy.

Oh, and for those of you wondering about the lovely orange extension cord running down the hall, it is necessary to run the heater in the bathroom. Otherwise, all the lights go out. Go figure.

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