Monday, February 25, 2008

As Promised

Here are the latest and greatest snow pictures. The first are from the winter storm we had last Friday. Unfortunately for us, it all happened while B was at work, so the fun was cut short when Abri had had enough. She had pulled off her mittens, and I think her little fingers felt the frost.

Waking up to the surprise.

Please can I just go out and touch it.

Patiently waiting for Mommy to get her boots.

Doesn't Abri look like B here

On Sunday, we traveled just over the state line into Pennsylvania to visit with Mike & Lisa Gurzo, friends we met in Dallas while working with USG. Their twins, Abby and Garret are just a month older than Abri, so the girls had a good time. Once the little ones were down for a nap, Mike took us to the back of the property to sled down the hill. Lise' had a ball and even went down a few times by herself.

We had a small hike to the hill.

Abri had the best seat of us all.

B & Lise' ready to go down. Although she'd do it herself, she preferred to go with Daddy.

Lise' on her own.

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