Thursday, February 14, 2008

And, with that....the birthdays are over!

How is it that only 43 days into the year we, the NJ Swindells, have completed ALL of our birthdays for the year? We hammer them out with efficiency, that is for sure!

Julie (Jan. 8)
Lise' (Jan. 13)
Abri (Feb. 9)
B (Feb. 12)

Our celebrations started for B a week before the actual date. We wanted to celebrate while his parents were here, and it was a good excuse to make a Coke cake, one of B's favorites. Now, I usually do not have any trouble baking cakes, but I've been severely challenged with the inconsistency of the oven I currently own. The temperature has a mind of its own. If you want 350 degrees, you have to be almost at 400, and if you want 400, you need to be right around 425. @#$XXX!! is about what I have to say about that. No words are needed, all you need to see is the picture. Note, Ms. Becky about laughed herself right out of the house on this one, and this is the "improved" picture! I think the award for UGLIEST cake ever is right before your eyes.

Abri's birthday we celebrated only a day early. Her cake turned out much better. B even iced it for me because I ran out of time. It was delicious though, and she had a grand 1st birthday!

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