Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Run, don't walk

That's what is going through Abri's mind these days. In three days, she's literally gone from taking a few steps here and there to practically running across the room. See for yourself. You just have to ignore her sidekick doing circles around her.

Also, just a little side note. I went to downtown Atlantic Highlands today. (Think Main St. USA. There was some commotion around the movie theatre, and when I drove by, there were camera crews filming just inside the doors. I was driving, and couldn't stop, but there was a group of gawkers. Anyway, I figured they were filming for something and thought I'd ask around tomorrow. I didn't have to wait long though. I received an email that it was for a movie starring James Gandolfini from the Sopranos. If it wasn't lunch time and 30 degrees outside, I might have gone back with a camera. Sorry.

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