Thursday, December 27, 2007

It's all about Abri Day!

All week, I've been planning on telling you how Abri's doing these days, but just a short while ago was a big moment in her life. She took her first 3 steps.

It's no secret that she's been pulling up on everything since Aug. She is a determined little one, and many guessed she'd be walking by 9 months. I prayed she would not. I would have been happy for her not to do it until Feb. or later. Oh, well.

She's just changing so rapidly these days I don't know where to begin. It wasn't long before we moved that she transitioned into being a real little person. You could start to see her mind work and understand cause and effect. She adores Lise' and wants to do everything Lise' does. I think that's part of the reason she's so determined to walk. They have their own language and laugh and play together quite well.

Another one of Abri's favorite things to do is climb. She will climb anything and everything! She's quick to find a way too. Her favorite thing is stairs. She's already tumbled down a set of carpeted ones once and survived. Unfortunately, our new house has them too. Just last week, things got mighty quiet and that mom intuition told me to go find her. Sure enough, she had bypassed my wall of boxes meant to prevent her from getting to the steps, and was upstairs playing.

One thing we've noticed is that she's very intune to music. Much more so than I ever remember Lise' being. I'm saying it now, she's going to be our musical child. Here's her kazoo recital.

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