Sunday, December 30, 2007

Helpful Hints

B and I just discovered the most amazing thing you may or may not know about. We've had a silver plated tea set that the girls just love to play with. It was passed down from my grandmother, and was so tarnished, it was almost black. We had tried a little silver polish and elbow grease, but it was way more work than it was worth, so we just left it alone.

Then, the other night, I was surfing the web and came across suggesting a new technique that doesn't require silver polish!

You'll need:

--Some kind of container (bowl, roasting pan, etc) lined with aluminum foil
--Boiling hot water with added
--salt (a few tablespoons should do it)

Just place your tarnished items in the aluminum-foil lined container and pour the saltwater over them until they're fully submerged. If you look closely, you can actually see the tarnish disappear. Leave it for a few minutes (you may also have to repeat the cycle). Then buff the silver items to dry them off and make them extra shiny.

Another hint for removing crayon from walls, use a little toothpaste and sponge.

That's it for today, but if I come up with any others, I'll be sure to pass them on.

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