Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Time's Up

I know all you are anxious to see our progress with your own eyes, but I hate to tell you that I'm having technical difficulties. Maybe it's that I'm completely exhausted or maybe I'm just technologically challenged. Both are true. The fact is that I won't be posting pics tonight. Sorry.

Wait a minute, I may have a break through. So, here it is.

PJ & B painting away.

Ta Da

I don't have pics, but B also completed (for the most part) the master bathroom. That included PJ doing the concrete shower, painting, new vanity, lights and mirror.

I also personally painted the playroom and the kitchen walls. Go me. Oh, and I can't forget that Mom helped put contact paper in all the kitchen cabinets to help hide the old stuff, and when she wasn't doing that, she was keeping the girls occupied so we could work.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to the point where we could list the house. There's still a lot of general cleaning, straightening and touch up. We'll list the house on Oct. 1, so we do have a deadline.

For now, B has officially started residing in NJ. He'll be back and forth, as will I. Our goal next week is to determine where we want to live in NJ. Then, we can start looking for the overpriced and over taxed house. Oh well. Looking forward to it.