Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Still recovering.

We made it back safe and sound but weary. By the time we got home it was around 2pm. We had been up since 5am EST, so all we wanted to do was crash. We had other plans though. Lise' little friend Ira had his 3yr birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, so that's where we went. Lise' had a ball. I know we're cruel, but she had never been there before, and she couldn't stop smiling. She loved winning tickets. As for the mouse character in a suit, she hated it, but at least she didn't run screaming. She just required I stay nearby.

We thought you might enjoy a few pics from New Jersey. Sorry, but other than lots of different homes and a few parks, we didn't have much time for sight seeing. That will have to come later.

Lise' on the first plane ride she remembers

Lise' and Abri taking a little lunch break in Cranbury

Abri LOVES to swing!

Abri eating cheerios. Did I mention she's now 7 months old now and is pulling up on everything. She's trying really hard to stand up on her own, but after just a second, she's back on her bottom. She also has 2 teeth working their way out.

The million dollar view from one of the houses we looked at. If only the rest of the house had looked this great.

Last but not least, this one should speak for itself.
Welcome to New Jersey! Click on the photo to enlarge and read the slogan.

1 comment:

Angie said...

OK, first of all, Abri's smile could not be any cuter. I LOVE it! Next, you aren't the only parent who haven't done the chuckee cheeses trip. Maybe we should, I bet my kids would love it! It looks like you had fun. I Keep your hanging in there!