Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to Jersey We Go

In June, the girls and I hit the road running. Destination....Atlantic Highlands, NJ. Since the move, we've all be aching to get back, so we arrived on our friend's doorstep the week after school let out and just in time for the 4th of July.

Our welcome home spread. The only thing missing was B.

On the way there, we stopped at "South of the Border" to see what all the millions of signs were about. What we found was fun things to climb on, overpriced ice cream and dirty potties. Glad we stopped though.

Abri and a random dress up picture.

In the morning, the kids went to VBS at the elementary school in town. They had a blast, and I only wish I had photos to share, but my camera broke on the second day into the trip. Maybe next time.

Our friends invited us over for pizza and swimming.

It was as if we had come back home. It's no secret I loved NJ. If B came home tomorrow to tell me we were going back, I'd have no problem with it (as long as it came with a raise :-) It was Mayberry, and I'm not so sure we'll ever find anything like it.

Our week was spent visiting with all our friends and eating our favorite foods. It was all too short, and before we knew it, it was time to hit the road again. This time, we were heading to Durham, NC to spend the 4th with Chris & Caron and their two girls.

Although the visit was short, we enjoyed catching up and talking about future plans. Hope to see everyone soon.

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