Saturday, March 14, 2009


As many of you know, we have just completed the season of birthdays in our home. By Feb. 12, we're done for the year. Jan. 8-Julie B's parents were visiting, so I had the ultimate seafood birthday dinner. Mr. Ed boiled lobsters and crabs, and everyone ate until they couldn't eat anymore. I think we've started a new tradition. ` Abri was the first to play with the lobsters. Lise' wasn't so sure they weren't going to attack. Jan. 13-Lise turned 4 Lise' taked (more like guilted) Mimi & Papa into staying for her birthday. We stated with a party at home with our friends, the Ilarrazas. We had dinner, and the girls played dressup and enjoyed the princess Dora cake Daddy decorated b/c Mommy was at a meeting. On her real birthday,we had lunch with Daddy at the mall and brought cupcakes to school and had special birthday pancakes for breakfast. A new tutu & backpack. A fish was the big gift. That's what she asked for, so I took her to the pet store, and we shopped for all the parts. Feb. 9-Abri turned 2 We just did a small family birthday-nothing big, but just right. She had a coke cake, and her favorite thing was blowing out the candles. We relit them several times, so she could keep doing it.
Feb. 12-
B By this time, we were tired of cake, but Lise' insisted B have something. We stopped at the Italian bakery on our way home to pick out a treat for him.

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