Sunday, April 27, 2008

More updates

Other fun things have also been going on around here. Lise' finished up ballet class, and she had a great time. She still dances around the house. We'll see what is in store for the summer, but maybe she'll be able to do a little more. The picture you see to the right is the only one I could get of her in the actual dance class, and it was thru a tiny little window on the door.

Now, on Fridays, she goes to another class sponsored by the park system. It's called Rompin' & Stompin', and it's sort of like a PE class. I drop her off for 45 minutes. It's a nice thing for both of us. The first class, parents were allowed to observe. They played Duck-Duck-Goose, red light-green light with balls, played with hula hoops and a few other things I don't recall. One of the favorites is at the end, all the parents come in for the parachute.

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