Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I know, there's no excuse!

I'm guessing the absence of any blogging by me recently can be compared to the writers strike for network television. Well people, calm down, I'm still here, I haven't forgotten about it, I've just been busy, tired, or a combination of the two. I enjoy writing the blog just as much as you enjoy seeing it, so just check back, I'll get there when I get there.

I have many things to share with you, but because yesterday was my first successful day to have Abri sleep ALONE in her bed for a 3 hr nap, I'm going to try to get her to do it again. Prior to this, she's been down for a nap, but she usually only stays in her bed for 45 min or so, and then she wakes up. This news is HUGE to me, so I'm not messing with a good thing.

Pictures will follow soon as well. I have nice number taken, it just takes time to get them posted.

The exciting news of the day is that Lise' and I saw what I think was a groundhog today. We've all heard of Punxsutawney Phil, but have you actually ever seen one in the wild? We were driving down a street, and there is was in some one's front yard. It was the strangest looking thing.

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