Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Move Part II

We didn't have far to go the first night. It was only 3 hours to Jeff & Alex's in Atlanta, GA. They graciously provided comfortable accommodations and a home cooked meal to us weary travelers. Lise' always enjoys visiting Uncle Jeff & Aunt Alex, although I'm certain our kids are a little exhausting to a couple used to a quiet home. Sorry Jeff & Alex! They do have a dog, Roux, and Abri's first word other than Dada was DOG. She enjoyed Roux so much that when she woke up the next morning, the first word out her mouth wad DOG. too cute. After a warm breakfast and quick goodbyes, we left for Durham, NC-the home of Chris and Caron. Goodbye Alabama, hello Georgia! On the way into Atlanta, Lise' was on her 100th round of Jingle Bells. It's a great song to hear her sing. Pay close attention to her southern twang.

1 comment:

Amy said...

We just loved watching Lise sing, it was so cute! You should record her singing the same song next christmas and we can all see how her accent changes. I wonder long it will take for you guys to sound like New Yawkers :)
I hope everyone is well and that the unpacking is going better than the trip to the new house. Have a nice, low-key Christmas.