Sunday, November 4, 2007

Look Ma, No Hands

Ok, really she's been doing this for weeks, but I never seem to have the camera around to capture it. If I do, she immediately drops to the floor in a race for the camera. She's a quick one, this Abri. She's a climber too. The other day, I caught her on the first step of a stool we have for Lise'. The next, she was up in the dishwasher. Gotta watch this one. She has also discoverd the toilet paper rolls. It's just the right height for her to stand up and completely unroll the entire thing.

Other than chasing Abri all over the place, the world has been rather quiet around here. We're super happy to report that B came home again this weekend. It's just a little harder everytime he leaves. Lucky for us, we're going back to NJ with him tomorrow. B still has to work, but it sure will be nice to have him back with us at night.

On Saturday, B and I are going out with all the managers of his new plant. The outing includes dinner in NYC and the Broadway show JERSEY BOYS. I cannot wait. I've only seen NYC from across the Hudson, and now, my first visit will include a show. How exciting is that?

Well, I must run. There's packing to be done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoy NYC! You'll love it!