Sunday, July 12, 2009

And the walls come tumbling down

Remember this?
(Click Here)

And this?
(Click Again)
The floors have since been replaced and await refinishing.

In the basement awaiting installation

B called in reinforcements to help.

One step closer to finished.

Today, work continued.

Goodbye UGLY border

Hello dark kitchen.

The good news is that I'm leaving on Wednesday for 2.5 weeks. B has a huge Honey Do list. Now, you'll just have to wait for the results until I return.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

June Bugs

She put herself to sleep.

What Abri wears to Lise's ballet class.

Our neighbor's mulberry tree prevents us from parking in our driveway for weeks.

Abri helping B install the kitchen floors.

A BBQ at a friends house. The water wasn't warm either.

Abri figured out how to stay warm.

We had to force Lise' out of the pool.

Lise's taking swim lessons.

Abri wishing she was.

A Friday night picnic at the beach.

Have I mentioned Abri tries to climb everything?????

Making Lime Meltaway Cookies for Papa's Birthday

Lise' graduated from Gymboree.

Abri can't wait for her turn to come.