Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March Madness

I'm not quite sure what happened to B this month, but he's in excellent form. Check it out.

New Roof-Before & After

You'll also notice that the yard has been torn up. I went away for a night in Atlantic City with the Mary Kay girls and came home to it. The backyard is gone too.

Then yesterday, B made a surprise appearance earlier than expected. It was a beautiful day, so the kids spent the afternoon playing in the dirt while B and I redesigned the front of the house with a garden hose and loose bricks. We're now talking about having the driveway demolished and blacktopping only to the new (visualize it) flowerbed to the right of the front steps.

We're also inches away from having the permit to begin tearing down the wall in the kitchen. That means all our Ikea shelves that were added to hold various kitchen items had to be moved.
The old location of all the shelves

As for the rest of the madness, I'm leaving on Saturday with the girls for a quick 2 week trip down to Louisiana. Who knows what I'll return to find.

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