Friday, December 12, 2008

Grandma & Papa's Visit

It all started with Thanksgiving Thursday. That was the day Mom and Dad flew in. B and Lise' went to the airport while Abri and I stayed behind to prepare all the sides for our big feast. That afternoon, our friend Richie (originally our neighbor in Dallas & now lives in NJ) came down to join us for dinner. Everything was delicious. I wish I had pictures, but I think I had so many other things going on, I forgot to take them. So, here's a picture of the table.

The joke was on me. A few years ago I received some rolled place mats, and I pulled them out for the big day, but when I unrolled them, it turned out to be napkins, not place mats, so Lise' & Mom got creative on that end of things.

The next day, we headed out in search of our Christmas tree. We had seen a tree stand on the main street in town, so I walked in and inquired about the offerings. It turns out they weren't officially open (good thing I didn't read the sign), but they sold us one anyway, making us the first to buy a tree in town that weekend.

Saturday was spent pulling out all the Christmas decorations and pulling out my hair. I could not put my hands on my ornaments. Since we've had kids, we've used a set of fabric ornaments my mom made when I was little. To the best of my knowledge, the last time I had the full set of ornaments on the tree was in Dallas, and that was 3 moves ago. I can tell you the box they are in, where they were stored in Utah and Alabama, but I cannot find them here. Our last hope is that they are stored in only 2 boxes not yet opened-china and crystal. Lucky for us, we did find the fabric ornaments. They went on the small fake tree in the Den. As for the fresh tree, we've had to make do with a bunch of plastic balls and drums someone gave me in the past. It was probably for the best though, Abri's favorite pastime is pulling all the ornaments off the tree.

While B was on the roof setting up lights, Grandma & the girls were making a gingerbread train.

That night, we made cookies for Lise's class. She was in charge of the sugar. Check out the cookie on the right.

And, all that was just the first 3 days! Just wait for the next 4. I'm out of time for now. Check back soon.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love the pic of B. holding both girls beside the tree!