Sunday, November 16, 2008

HOLY RICKSHAW, that was a ride!

Can I just tell you, I'm still on a high from last night. After one long year of waiting, B and I finally made it to Broadway. If your memory fails you, last year, we had tickets, but the stage hands went on strike. I had been looking forward to this night since then. All week, the forecast was for rain, which dampened the enthusiasm, but only slightly. When it came time to leave, the skies were overcast and the temperature was in the 60's, but no downpours like we were expecting. We left the girls with the babysitters and took the train into the city.

It was a manager's outing with B's company, so we first met for dinner at Pomaire. It was a tiny little Chilean restaurant in the Hell's Kitchen section of NYC, just blocks from the theater. The food was tasty, and it was a good start to a great evening.

After dinner, we made it to the theater with minutes to spare beforethe curtains opened on Jersey Boys. Our seats were fantastic, and B and I couldn't get over how intimate the theater felt. There couldn't have been a bad seat in the house. You could see the spit coming out the actors' mouths. Five minutes into it, I was hooked. The show is the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Check out the site. For those born in generations following their notoriety, they are famous for songs like, "Sherry Baby", "Big Girls Don't Cry", & "Walk like a Man". It was amazing, and I was sorry it ever ended.

Once the play was over, it was a torrential downpour outside, which means no available cabs in NYC, especially in the theater district. We had about 20 minutes to get to the train at Penn Station 20 blocks away. It wasn't feasible to do on foot, and with no available cabs in sight, we took the next available transportation-the NYC rickshaws. If we missed this train, it'd be another hour before we could get out of the city, and our parental responsibilities were calling.

Leaving the theater

Familiar landmark

Me in the rickshaw

I've seen them time and time again on the streets, but in the back of my mind, I was always thinking, "Can those really be safe?" The answer-NO WAY! The rain was pouring down, so the driver zipped us up, and we were on our way. We weaved in and out of traffic like you never thought possible. At red lights, we'd be perpendicular to the flow of traffic in our lane, we ran red lights, we even ran over some man's foot. It was the most terrifying and exhilarating experience I've ever had in transportation. My favorite part was going through Times Square.

We survived!

Oh, what a night! I will hold onto this one for a very long time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cabrides from the airports into NYC are harrowing - I can only imagine a rickshaw! You have to do what you have to do!