Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yes, I've fallen into the Pink Kool-Aid

Those of you who worked with me in Dallas in hotels know that the "pink ladies" descend on Dallas each and every July for the annual Mary Kay convention. With a little trepidation, I too may be joining them. I know, I know. We all laugh and gawk, but it is what it is. I could say I was tied down and forced to join, I could say I had one too many mimosas, or I could say I was brainwashed. Whatever it is, it is. You can visit my website to see for yourself.

I'm still in the fog and have absolutely no idea how I arrived here, but I'm just going to give it a go. Please don't run from me when you see me coming. I won't be carrying a loaded MK gun or anything. I may ask if you'd like to try something I have in my magic bag. The fact of the matter is that I like what I use. I've seen a difference in my skin, so I'm just going to share my finds with you. If you don't like, there's no hurt feelings. Just be nice about it...I get enough of the New Jersey attitude around here as it is.

And, be prepared. When I do get back to Louisiana, there will be a Mary Kay party. I've been a good friend and gone to all of your parties, so please come let me practice on you.

In the event you want to try something or buy something, the miles between us doesn't stop me from getting things to you. I'm happy to become the post man's best friend. I'll post my link in my favorite sights to the right, be sure to visit.


Angie said...

Well, well. Congratulations on your new venture:)

peggy said...

Congrats! Does this mean you'll be in Dallas for the convention?

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