Sunday, November 18, 2007

For a good laugh at my expense

Ok, it's no secret that I flew back from NJ with the girls alone last Tuesday. When we got to security, I was busy showing ID when the security guard suggested a nearby newscrew interview us for a piece on traveling with kids. I thought they were just videoing the children, and I went on with my business of proving that I was in fact the person on the boarding pass. During that time, they started interviewing B. I was thrilled they were talking to him b/c it meant I didn't have to be on camera. That all changed when they asked him how he prepares for a big trip with kids. B's answer, "you should really talk to her (ME!). Yes, so I was thrust into the spotlight. Be kind when you view this. I could let this just go unmentioned, but in the spirit of giving, I thought I'd share a laugh! Click here for fun.


Unknown said...


Amy said...

You were able to speak clearly with a camera in your face, you've definitely got me beat!! Also, Congratulations on NJ home-ownership!!

The Swindells said...

Abri and Lise were on TV! We love you, Clare and Kaye